Resume & Cover Letter Assistance

Having a well written and professional resume is important for getting to the interview phase of your career search. On average employers take 30 seconds to evaluate a resume, so making a good impression with a well developed resume to show your skills and qualities is critical.


The Career Center provides guidance and reviews of student resumes for classroom assignments and job seekers. 


Below are resources to support your resume creation:

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Resume Resources and Guides
Resume Planning and Creation Tools
Resume Creation Tool
Cover Letter 

If you have a resume that needs review please select from our options below:

Schedule Resume Appointment 

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Resume Creation Appointment
Resume Review: Work Experience (WEX) or assignment for class
Resume or Cover Letter Review: Part-time work or job opportunity unrelated to major of study.
Resume Review: Students in their final year looking for work related to major. 
Resume Review: I am a student in a CE major and I need assistance with a resume for Job Placement. 
General Resume Review - No appointment


Questions? Contact the Career Center at